Guillermo Vilas: Settling the Score - آن لائن دیکھیں : اسٹریمنگ ،خریدیں یا کرائے پر لیں
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فی الحال آپ Netflix پر Guillermo Vilas: Settling the Score اسٹریمنگ دیکھنے کے قابل ہیں۔.
For more than forty years, Argentinean sportsman Guillermo Vilas, a tennis legend, has tirelessly demanded that the official rankings (1973-78) be revised in order to finally be recognized as the best player in the world. Eduardo Puppo, a sports journalist, making Vilas' demand his own, fought for more than ten years against a powerful sports corporation to prove that Vilas was indeed unfairly displaced from the top of world tennis.