Camp Confidential: America's Secret Nazis - آن لائن دیکھیں : اسٹریمنگ ،خریدیں یا کرائے پر لیں
فی الحال آپ Netflix پر Camp Confidential: America's Secret Nazis اسٹریمنگ دیکھنے کے قابل ہیں۔.
450 Rs فی مہینہ
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فی الحال آپ Netflix پر Camp Confidential: America's Secret Nazis اسٹریمنگ دیکھنے کے قابل ہیں۔.
Camp Confidential: America's Secret Nazis, is a documentary short featuring animation that focuses on the story of a top secret POW camp that was classified for over 5 decades. In the midst of WWII, a group of young Jewish refugees are assigned to guard a top secret POW camp near Washington D.C. The Jewish soldiers soon discover that their prisoners are no other than Hitler's top scientists - What starts out as an intelligence mission to gather information from the Nazis, soon gets a shocking twist when the Jewish soldiers are tasked with a very different mission altogether. A mission that would question their moral values - exposing a dark secret from America's past.