In the Lost Lands



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A queen, desperate to obtain the gift of shape-shifting, makes a daring play: she hires the sorceress Gray Alys, a woman as feared as she is powerful. Sent to the ghostly wilderness of the Lost Lands, Alys and her guide, the drifter Boyce, must outwit and outfight man and demon in a fable that explores the nature of good and evil, debt and fulfillment, love and loss.


Acción & Aventura, Fantasía

País de producción

Estados Unidos


Paul W. S. Anderson


Milla Jovovich
Gray Alys
Dave Bautista
Arly Jover
Amara Okereke
Deirdre Mullins
Sebastian Stankiewicz
Tue Lunding
The Hammer
Jacek Dzisiewicz
Ian Hanmore
The Stranger
Eveline Hall
Old Homeless Woman
Kamila Klamut
Caoilinn Springall
Young Girl
Jan Kowalewski
Young Monk
Pawel Wysocki
The Gambler