Fukrey 3 보기 - 스트리밍, 구매, 대여
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7일간 무료
이후 6₩/월
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자막 언어
스페인어, 불어, 이탈리아어, 포르투갈어, 터키어, 영어
오디오 기술
Generic 5.1
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현재 Amazon Prime Video 에서 "Fukrey 3" 스트리밍 서비스 중입니다..
In the third installment, the Fukras plan to take over Delhi, and run for city elections. However, they have no money and so they take on an international job to make a quick buck, which changes their lives forever. In the first two films, we saw them using dreams, then premonitions to make money but now they’ve been gifted with a new & unique talent which is going to make them millionaires.