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1973. Six years after returning from the Six Day War with a battle shock, Menashe realizes he will never be the man he used to be before the war. He can't communicate with his surroundings, and spends his days driving away in his red track for long hours. The young family he created collapses due to his lack of communication with his wife, Daphna, and their little son, Shlomi. At a time when PSTD is still not recognized as a medical condition, Daphna, his wife, struggles to get help from the military in order to maintain her husband's last bits of sanity, while 10 year-old Shlomi tries to understand what happened to his father and why he is different. When the Yom Kippur War breaks out, and Menashe is sent again to the battle field, the small family crumbles to the dust.