Atatürk II 1881 – 1919 - オンライン視聴 動画配信 購入 レンタル
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JustWatchでは常に視聴情報を集めて、お届けしています。あいにく、現在Atatürk II 1881 – 1919の視聴情報はありません。近日、再検索をして、Atatürk II 1881 – 1919の最新情報をチェックしてください。
Mustafa Kemal had just begun his journey after proving himself in 1915 at the Gallipoli front. He would go on to face major battles on the eastern front against the Russians and later against the British in Syria, ultimately becoming the only Ottoman officer not to lose a battle during WW1. However, despite all his success, he would encounter an unexpected challenge upon his return to Istanbul.