何か不具合がありますか? お知らせください。
何か不具合がありますか? お知らせください。
は 「出会い系サイトで70人と実際に会ってその人に合いそうな本をすすめまくった1年のこと」 で配信中です Hulu。
Nanako Hanada works as a manager of a bookstore. Her bookstore doesn’t have many customers, due to the rise of digital formats. Nanako Hanada and her husband Ken are also on the verge of divorcing. Her work life and personal life are equally in rough shape. One day, Nanako Hanada signs up for online dating site AU×AU and leaves one sentence in her profile, which is "I will recommend a book that suits you right now." Whenever she meets someone in person from the dating site AU×AU, she recommends a book to them.