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Ci impegnamo ad aggiungere sempre nuovi providers, ma non siamo riusciti a trovare un'offerta online per "WordGirl - Stagione 1" . Per favore, ritorna presto e controlla se ci sono delle novità.
From PBS KIDS - WordGirl follows the everyday life and superhero adventures of WordGirl as she fights crime and enriches vocabulary usage. Disguised as mild-mannered fifth grader Becky Botsford, WordGirl possesses superhero strength with the added benefit of a colossal vocabulary. She is joined in her adventures by a monkey sidekick named Captain Huggy Face. Each episode introduces up to four new vocabulary words in an engaging, humorous way. WordGirl is a superhero spoof, so the story lines are funny takes of familiar stories from that genre. For children 6 to 8 years old.