Customs Frontline


Titolo originale: 海關戰線

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Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department officers Chow Ching-lai (Nicholas Tse) and Cheung Wan-nam (Jacky Cheung) share a close mentor-student relationship. On a case involving seized smuggled arms, Ching-lai is sent to take part in a joint operation with Interpol to capture a reclusive arms dealer. However, Wan-nam makes a drastic decision that complicates the case even further.


Drammatico, Azione e Avventura


1h 54min

Paese di produzione

Hong Kong, China


Herman Yau


Jacky Cheung
Cheung Wan-nam
Nicholas Tse
Chow Ching-lai
Karena Lam
Liu Yase
Francis Ng
Kwok Chi-keung
Kenny Kwan
Carlos Chan Ka-Lok
Michelle Wai
Ben Yuen Foo-Wah
Michelle Yim
Shek Sau
Melvin Wong Gam-Sam
Angus Yeung
Amanda Strang
Kenneth Lai
Polly Lau