What's new on Hotstar?
Hotstar is always updating its catalog of more than 800 movies and 900 TV shows. By using JustWatch’s Timeline, you can stay updated on the most recent additions to the platform and use filters to find the best content for your entertainment preferences. Whether you’re looking for a comedy to watch with friends or a heartwarming drama, there's something available for everyone. You can also search by IMDb or age rating to to guarantee the content on Hotstar meets your standards.
New movies on Hotstar
Hotstar regularly adds new movies in various genres to ensure there's always something for everyone. The platform is known for popular titles such as Vikram and Avatar: The Way of Water. Whether you’re waiting for your favorite movies to release on Hotstar or looking for a new movie, you can use JustWatch’s Timeline to stay updated on the latest releases.
New TV shows on Hotstar
Hotstar is known for thrilling TV shows including Aarya, Special OPS and City of Dreams, just to name a few. With JustWatch’s Timeline, you can easily stay updated on all the new TV shows and renewed seasons on Hotstar – making sure you never miss the release of a new hit on the streaming service.
New releases streaming on Disney+ Hotstar
Hotstar is constantly adding and removing movies to its catalogue. If you have the feeling you already saw everything you will love the JustWatch Timeline. It helps you stay up to date and never miss a recently added movie
Discover below all the new releases on Hotstar.