All Movies on DocAlliance Films

Wondering what can you watch on DocAlliance Films? Discover here all the online movies that are currently streaming on DocAlliance Films.
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I Am Breathing
The Fabulous Baron Munchausen
Loves of a Blonde
The Dreamed Ones
The Image You Missed
Those Who Go Those Who Stay
Double Happiness
Gambling, Gods and LSD
Angry Inuk
A Girl of Her Age
Description of a Struggle
Northern Light
A Bright Light: Karen and the Process
Travel Songs
Whatever the Weather
State of Play
Maison du Bonheur
The Mass
Evaporating Borders
The Absence of Apricots
Hello Cubans
Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country
Imagine Waking Up Tomorrow and All Music Has Disappeared
Low Tide
The Hidden Tiger
Cloudy Times
The Paper Bridge
The Train to Moscow
Pine Ridge
Kiruna - A Brand New World
Islands of Forgotten Cinemas
Tiny Bird