Black Clover is a popular shonen anime series based on Yūki Tabata’s manga of the same name. Known for its fast-paced action, magical battles, and the journey of underdogs striving to become the Wizard King, the series has garnered a large fanbase. With an expanding universe that includes the TV series and films, it can be a bit daunting to figure out the best way to watch Black Clover in order.
Here's a guide to help you navigate through the Black Clover franchise and enjoy the story from start to finish.
How to watch Black Clover in chronological order
To fully appreciate Black Clover, it’s best to watch the episodes in their original broadcast order. Follow the TV series first, from episodes 1–170, then enjoy the standalone film Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King for a thrilling conclusion. Alternatively, the franchise includes three standalone chapters: two OVAs (Original Video Animations) and one ONA (Original Net Animation) with the ONA intended for younger audiences.
Main continuity:
- Black Clover (Episodes 1–170)
- Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King (2023)
- Jump Festa 2016 OVA (OVA, 2017)
- Jump Festa 2018 OVA (OVA, 2018)
- Squishy! Black Clover (ONA, 2019)
The main Black Clover anime series is divided into four seasons and spans 170 episodes. It follows the adventures of Asta and Yuno, two orphans raised together who aspire to become the Wizard King, the highest-ranking magical knight in the Clover Kingdom.
Since Asta is born without magic in a world where it is essential, the story focuses on how he compensates for this lack through sheer determination and hard work. Watching all 170 episodes will give you the core narrative and character development of the series.
Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King is an anime film that premiered in 2023 on Netflix. The movie tells a standalone story set after the events of the anime series. It introduces new Wizard Kings and revolves around Asta and his allies fighting powerful resurrected kings who threaten the Clover Kingdom. Since it takes place after the main anime, it's best to watch the movie after completing all 170 episodes of the series to avoid spoilers and confusion.
How to watch Black Clover in release order
The guide below shows you how and where you can watch the Black Clover anime series and specials streaming online in release order. You can also find all the offers to buy, rent, or watch these anime classics for free on streaming platforms in India.