Where to watch Jumbo: Release date (Indonesia)

The release date for Jumbo on streaming services has not been announced yet. We’ll keep you updated with the release date and streaming information as soon as it is available.

Can I watch Jumbo in theaters?

Theatre tickets for Jumbo will be available from March 31, 2025.


Quinn Salman
Meri (voice)
Graciella Abigail
Mae (voice)
M. Yusuf Ozkan
Nurman (voice)
M. Adhiyat
Atta (voice)
Angga Yunanda
Acil (voice)
Ratna Riantiarno
Don's Grandmother (voice)
Den Bagus Sasono
Little Don (voice)
Bunga Citra Lestari
Don's Mother (voice)
Don's Father (voice)
Kiki Narendra
Mr. Rusli (voice)
Cinta Laura Kiehl
Meri's Mother (voice)
Ariyo Wahab
Meri's Father (voice)
Rachel Amanda
Panitia Panik (voice)
Aci Resti
Panitia Datar (voice)
Muzakki Ramdhan
Ben (voice)
Ali Fikry
Jody (voice)
Arnand Pratikto
Shop Owner #2 (voice)
Widya Fajriah
Mrs. Titin (voice)
Mizam Faddilah Ananda
Ical (voice)
Ryan Adriandhy
Mysterious Caller (voice)
M. Aidil Fitra Sitompul
Aidil (voice)
Bobby Zarkasih
Hansip (voice)
Ismail Basbeth
Mandor Developer (voice)