Welcome Home - δείτε το online: streaming, αγορά ή ενοικίαση
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2 Σεζόν - 25min
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Προς το παρόν μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε τον τίτλο "Welcome Home" με streaming στο Plex δωρεάν.
Follows hosts Treger and Rob Strasberg as they run a non-profit dedicated to helping homeless families in transition by turning their house into a home with the motto, 'design with dignity', changing lives along the way. In each episode, we meet a family emerging from difficult circumstances as they finally move into a new living space to call their own. To help the family with their fresh start, Treger, Rob, and a dedicated team of designers and volunteers will transform the family's bare house into a warm home by using their warehouse full of goods donated by people in the community.