The Inflight Food Trip - δείτε το online: streaming, αγορά ή ενοικίαση
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1 Σεζόν - 25min
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Προς το παρόν μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε τον τίτλο "The Inflight Food Trip" με streaming στο Plex δωρεάν.
We follow airline food guru Nik Loukas around the globe as we discover what is going into keeping everyone fed at 35,000ft every day. Our journey takes us behind the scenes with the airlines, as we look at many of the factors that play a part airline food, and what the airlines do to stand out from their competitors and put their personal stamp on the food that's served. From food presentations in Tokyo to a food tasting event in New York, each airline has a unique story to tell.