Sladky zivot


Titre Original: Sladký život

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The Sweet Life: A Hockey World Champion and lover of beautiful women and fast cars must endure an unexpected life obstacle. He doesn't want to disappoint his new friends and his family, whose existence he had no clue about. Vladimir Polivka in a new comedy from the makers of WOMEN ON THE RUN. Rosta Beran, a hockey player on the Czech national ice hockey team, is a cool guy. He lives in a luxury apartment, has a fast car and many young lovers that he picks using the motto "nothing above thirty". Money and the title of world champion make him feel like he's superior to everyone else, untouchable. However, nothing lasts forever... After unexpectedly collapsing in bed with a beautiful blonde, life draws a thick ECG line and ends his carefree days. His heart transplantation process is led by strict Doctor Magda (Petra Hrebickova), who he once spent a night with and never talked to since. The debts from his old life of extravagance rid him of all the money he had, and the only thing that Rosta is left with is the World Champion medal that his former manager and friend Rosta (Vojtech Kotek) saves for him. Rosta has to find it in him to start again with optimism, life energy, and courage. He's aided by Jindrich (Jan Cina), a serious and responsible guy raising a six-year-old daughter. He's got a heart of gold, and even though he starts out hating Rosta, they soon become best friends. Rosta, surprised, finds that the life of normal people can be as beautiful and one-of-a-kind as loving the right woman above thirty.


IMDB 6.6




1h 41min

Pays de production

République Tchèque


Tomáš Hoffman


Vladimír Polívka
Petra Hřebíčková
Jan Cina
Vojtěch Kotek
Hynek Čermák
Miroslav Táborský
Jenovéfa Boková
Zlata Adamovská
Tereza Kostková
Bohumil Klepl
Eva Leinweberová
Jitka Sedláčková
Jaromír Nosek
Martin Sitta