Atlantiksen kostajat

Atlantiksen kostajat


Alkuperäinen nimi: I predatori di Atlantide

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Koitamme jatkuvasti lisätä uusia palveluita valikoimaamme, mutta valitettavasti tällä kertaa emme löytäneet yhtään tarjousta elokuvalle "Atlantiksen kostajat" netissä. Palaa pian takaisin katsomaan olemmeko löytäneet uusia tarjouksia.


A team of scientists working to raise a sunken Russian nuclear submarine on an ocean platform off the coast of Miami, Florida, unearth an ancient Atlantean relic from the sea floor and bring in an expert to make some sense of it. But while attempting to raise the sub, radioactive leakage from its missles triggers the re-emergence of Atlantis, and the resulting tidal wave destroys the platform and leaves only a small group of survivors. Rescued by two Vietnamvets-turned-heavies who are out relaxing after their latest job, their boat eventually runs aground on a Carribean island nearby where, upon going ashore, it is discovered that everything has been destroyed and everybody killed. The culprits, a vicious group of well-armed raiders, and their leader, Crystal Skull, are descendants of Atlantis' original race who set about reclaiming the world and adding the survivors to the list of victims as they struggle to stay alive and defeat the raiders and send Atlantis back to the ocean floor.


IMDB 4.8 (2k)


Scifi, Toiminta & Seikkailu, Made in Europe


1t 32min

Production country

Filippiinit , Italia


Ruggero Deodato


Christopher Connelly
Mike Ross
Gioia Scola
Dr. Cathy Rollins
Tony King
Mohammed / Washington
Stefano Mingardo
Klaus Nemnez
Ivan Rassimov
Bill Cook
Giancarlo Prati
Bruce Baron
Crystal Skull
George Hilton
Professor Peter Saunders
Mike Monty
Michele Soavi
Lewis E. Ciannelli
Oil Rig Commander
Ruggero Deodato
Oil Rig Assistant
Maurizio Fardo
Larry Stoddard
Adriana Giuffrè
Gudrun Schmeissner
Rocco Lerro
Raider on Helicopter
Angelo Ragusa
Motorcycle Raider with Headband
Sergio Testori
Mansion Guard (uncredited)