Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy - katso netissä: suoratoista, osta tai vuokraa
Tällä hetkellä voit katsoa elokuvan "Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy" suoratoistona palvelussa MTV Katsomo.
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Tällä hetkellä voit katsoa elokuvan "Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy" suoratoistona palvelussa MTV Katsomo.
Based on the events surrounding the murder of British student Meredith Kercher. Hayden Panettiere (Heroes) and Marcia Gay Harden (Academy Award winner for Pollock) star in the Lifetime Original Movie Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy based on the international headline-grabbing story of the now infamous American exchange student accused by Italian authorities of brutally killing her roommate. Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy poses the question of whether Knox (Panettiere), the Seattle honors student accused of murdering her college roommate Meredith Kercher (Amanda Fernando Stevens) in 2007 with her boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito (Paolo Romio) and acquaintance Rudy Guede (Djirbi Kebe), actually committed the crime or was herself a victim.