أين يمكنك مشاهدة The Legendaries: تاريخ عرض (مصر)
لم يتم الإعلان عن تاريخ عرض The Legendaries حتى الآن. سنوافيكم بآخر المستجدات حول تاريخ العرض ومعلومات البث عند توفّرها.
The Legendaries غير متاح للبث.
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لم يتم الإعلان عن تاريخ عرض The Legendaries حتى الآن. سنوافيكم بآخر المستجدات حول تاريخ العرض ومعلومات البث عند توفّرها.
They are brave, intrepid, indomitable, and they turned back to children! While fighting the terrible sorcerer Darkhell, the official heros of Alysia: The Legendaries accidentally broke the Jovenia stone, the one of eternal youth. This is how the whole kingdom of Alysia, and especially our champions, has fallen back into childhood. No more birth, but people keep on dying of accident or sickness… Humanity is then doomed to extinction. A real curse! And quite a blow to the myth of "The Legendaries". The five warriors, formerly admired, have now to lie low… Today blamed and discredited, they are well decided to break the spell and fix their mistake. "Nothing is impossible for a willing heart"… Even at 10!