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نهوض الحراس (2012)

العنوان الأصلي: Rise of the Guardians

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نهوض الحراس

نهوض الحراس - شاهدوا أونلاين: بالبث أو الشراء أو التأجير

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طاقم العمل

Chris Pine
Jack Frost (voice)
Alec Baldwin
North (voice)
Jude Law
Pitch (voice)
Isla Fisher
Tooth (voice)
Hugh Jackman
E. Aster Bunnymund (voice)
Dakota Goyo
Jamie (voice)
Isabella Blake-Thomas
British Girl (voice)
Jacob Bertrand
Monty (voice)
Khamani Griffin
Caleb (voice)
Kamil McFadden
Claude (voice)
Georgie Grieve
Sophie Bennett (voice)
Emily Nordwind
Jamie's Mom / Jack's Mother (voice)
Olivia Mattingly
Pippa / Jack's Sister (voice)
Dominique Grund
Cupcake (voice)
April Lawrence
Burgess Pedestrian (voice)
Ryan Crego
Burgess Dog Walker (voice)
George Anthony Anisimow
Child (voice)
Peter Ramsey
Burgess Pedestrian #2 (voice)
Stuart Allan
British Boy (voice)
Rich Dietl
Yeti (voice)