Movies to watch on Magellan TV - Find the best for you with JustWatch

What are the movies to watch on Magellan TV right now? Wonder no more! JustWatch shows you the ultimate Magellan TV movie list. We organized the movies by popularity to help you pick up the best movies on Magellan TV. You would rather just see horror movies on Magellan TV or comedy movies on Magellan TV? Simply use our filters below to find the one that will match your preferences. Yes, it's that simple! Our Magellan TV movie list is updated daily, to make sure you don't miss any of the good movies on Magellan TV.

The Saturn V Story
Faster Than Light: the Dream of Interstellar Flight
13 Hours That Saved Britain
Searching for Planet 9
The Real Joan of Arc
The Unsolved Killings of Jack the Ripper
Deception by Design
Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It
Calamity Jane: Legend of The West
Sensitive: The Untold Story
Big Bang in Tunguska
Ivan the Terrible
Stephen King: A Necessary Evil
The World's First Time Machine
Anaconda: Silent Killer
Jonestown: Paradise Lost
The Price of Honor
The Red Pill
Solar Superstorms
To Catch a Serial Killer with Trevor McDonald
America's Secret War
Remember Pearl Harbor
One Killer Punch
The Canary Islands
The Enigma of the Celtic Tomb
Alexandria: The Greatest City
The World's Most Powerful Telescopes
Microbiota: The Amazing Powers of the Gut
The Surgery Ship
The Real Inglorious Bastards
The Madeleine McCann Case
Rommel: The Soldier, the Son, and Hitler
The Gut: Our Second Brain
Swimming with Legends
Tortured to Death Murdering the Nanny
The Secret Life of the Cruise
An Honest Liar
The Tomb of Genghis Khan: The Secret Revealed
Finding Traction
Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton