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Neustále se snažíme přidat nové poskytovatele, ale nabídku na sledování titulu "Trinity Seven - Řada 1" online se nám bohužel najít nepodařilo. Vraťte se, prosím, brzy a zkontrolujte, zda se situace nezměnila..
Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Lust. These are the seven sins laid upon seven girls who rule over Biblia Academy. To retake his world, the boy decides he must control these sins... The boy, Arata Kasuga, has had the world he knows by a mysterious "Collapse Phenomenon", and his cousin Hijiri disappears into another dimension. To understand the Collapse Phenomenon and win back his cousin, he comes to Biblia Academy. There he finds the seven girls and their sins.