1. sezóna

Profesionálové - 1. sezóna


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The first series set the standard for five successful years, milking the dramatic potential of a rich gamut of scenarios, from international espionage to racism and religious evangelism; Bodie and Doyle usually being called upon to protect a controversial figure from the assassin's bullet. Shaw would later dismiss The Professionals for its stereotypical violence and for a long time refused to allow reruns. In fact, as cult television goes, it has weathered well. Many of its themes are as relevant today as they were then. The constantly elliptical script ("I want you to see that he's… well taken care of") is tremendous fun. And despite the macho drive, the whole thing has a camp archness which betrays its Avengers pedigree. Great for a nostalgic wallow.

14 Epizody


IMDB 8.0 (3k)


Zločin, Drama, Akční adventura, Komedie

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Spojené Království


Gordon Jackson
George Cowley
Martin Shaw
Lewis Collins