Wolves of War

Wolves of War


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Decorated British officer Jack Wallace must lead a band of Allied commandos across enemy lines to rescue Professor Hopper, an American scientist held hostage by the Nazis. With information that could turn the tide of war, these unlikely heroes must traverse enemy territory with an untrained US civilian, avoiding brutal Nazi mercenaries and non-stop bombing – with the fate of the war resting on their shoulders, the outcome of this mission will change the world forever; failure is not an option.


IMDB 3.9


Drama, Akční adventura, Mystery & Thriller, War & Military

Doba zpracování

1h 27min

Země výroby

Spojené Království, Spojené státy


Giles Alderson


Ed Westwick
Jack Wallace
Matt Willis
Captain Norwood
Sam Gittins
Éva Magyar
Anastasia Martin
Rupert Graves
Professor Hopper
Scott Rose-Marsh