The Divide


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Set in drought-plagued Northern California in 1976, The Divide chronicles the story of Sam Kincaid (King), an aging rancher with a failing memory, his estranged and independent-minded daughter, Sarah, and Luke, a young ranch hand who finds himself in the midst of a family in crisis. Internal struggles, the realities of an unforgiving landscape, and the need to reconcile a long-ago tragedy collide to create the backdrop for this classic American Western.


IMDB 6.4



Doba zpracování

1h 44min

Země výroby

Spojené státy


Perry King


Bryan Kaplan
Luke Higgins
Perry King
Sam Kincaid
Sara Arrington
Sarah Kincaid
Levi Kreis
Tom Cutler
Luke Colombero
C.J. Kincaid
Jack McGuinness