That They May Face the Rising Sun

That They May Face the Rising Sun


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Based on internationally acclaimed Irish author John McGahern's award winning novel of the same name, That They May Face the Rising Sun is a vivid evocation of nature, humanity and life itself, set in a 1980's rural community in Ireland.


IMDB 7.6



Doba zpracování

1h 51min

Země výroby

Irsko, Spojené Království


Pat Collins


Barry Ward
Joe Ruttledge
Anna Bederke
Kate Ruttledge
Lalor Roddy
Patrick Ryan
Sean McGinley
Johnny Murphy
Ruth McCabe
Mary Murphy
John Olohan
The Shah
Brendan Conroy
Bill Evans
Catherine Byrne
Susan Maguire
Patrick Ryan
Derbhle Crotty
Declan Conlon