The Ogglies

The Ogglies


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Looking for a new home, the Ogglies end up in the beautiful, peaceful village of Smelliville. Unfortunately, Smelliville has a stinky problem: The local garbage dump is spoiling the place. Something must be done.


IMDB 5.1


Děti & rodina, Animace, Fantazie, Akční adventura

Doba zpracování

1h 25min

Země výroby

Německo, Belgie


Jens Møller , Toby Genkel


Sema'j Alexander Cunningham
Messy (voice)
Kya Stein
Mothy (voice)
Lily Held
Lotta (voice)
Tony Clark
Oggly Dad / Firebottom / Francesco / Workman #3 (voice)
Susan Tackenberg
Oggly Mum / Navigation Voice (voice)
Geraldine Blecker
Oggly Grandma (voice)
Andrea Dewell
Oggly Baby / Mrs Miller / Reporter / Mother in Park (voice)
Marlene Temple
Girl in Park (voice)
Carl Collins
Taxi Driver / Workman #1 / Workman #2 (voice)