Les blagues de Toto 2 - Classe verte


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This field trip seemed to be a good idea... Five days away from school, away from parents, in an organic farm, in order to enjoy the fresh air and initiate to ecology... But, in fact, everyone was a bit worried. Toto's parents, leaving their son for the first time ; Toto's teacher, at the idea of watching after him 24 hours a day ; and Toto himself, without the possibility of driving his parents nuts, without the neighbour's cat to torment, far away from the schoolyard... he was afraid to feel like time was dragging.


IMDB 3.9


Drama, Romantika, Komedie, Děti & rodina

Doba zpracování

1h 24min

Země výroby

Belgie, Francie, Lucembursko, Spojené státy


Pascal Bourdiaux


Hugo Trophardy
Guillaume de Tonquédec
Anne Marivin
Pauline Clément
Mlle Jolibois
Barbara Bolotner
Mme Gossein
Valérie Karsenti
La maire
Sarah Stern
Mme Lemercier
Nicolas Lumbreras
M. Lemercier
Gaël Raës
Isabelle Candelier
La directrice
Laurent Bateau
Christophe Canard
Arsène Mosca
Le chauffeur de bus