Invincible été


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Neustále se snažíme přidat nové poskytovatele, ale nabídku na sledování titulu "Invincible été" online se nám bohužel najít nepodařilo. Vraťte se, prosím, brzy a zkontrolujte, zda se situace nezměnila..


Imagine bad news. Really bad news. The kind of news that calls everything into question. That's what happened to Olivier Goy one morning in December 2020. He was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Charcot's disease. In one sentence, the simplified diagnosis fell: he probably had only three years to live and no treatment. But Olivier has decided to ignore this countdown. He intends to live life to the fullest, in spite of his handicap, and make the most of every second. We follow his new daily life, as a committed entrepreneur with a passion for technology, as a father concerned about preserving his cocoon, as a patient with an incurable disease.


IMDB 8.2



Doba zpracování

1h 45min

Země výroby



Stéphanie Pillonca


Olivier Goy