Elle & lui & le reste du monde


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Marco, who is in his twenties and a bit lost, helps out a friend by standing in for him at his place of work: an emergency center for lifts. At around 3 am, a young woman called him: trapped in a broken-down car, she was having an anxiety attack. Marco tried to reassure her on the phone, but as no technician was available to help, he decided to go and rescue her himself. Unfortunately, when he arrives, the young woman has vanished into thin air. And so begins his incredible quest to track down this enigmatic stranger in Paris on the night of Valentine's Day.


Romantika, Komedie

Doba zpracování

1h 25min

Země výroby



Emmanuelle Belohradsky


Victor Belmondo
Galatéa Bellugi
Inas Chanti
Antoine Levannier
Frédéric Maranber
Natte You
Hsi Wang Mu