Sledování titulu Eclipse: kde sledovat?
Neustále se snažíme přidat nové poskytovatele, ale nabídku na sledování titulu "Eclipse" online se nám bohužel najít nepodařilo. Vraťte se, prosím, brzy a zkontrolujte, zda se situace nezměnila..
Eclipse není k dispozici pro streamování
Dejte nám vědět, kdy se můžete dívat.
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Neustále se snažíme přidat nové poskytovatele, ale nabídku na sledování titulu "Eclipse" online se nám bohužel najít nepodařilo. Vraťte se, prosím, brzy a zkontrolujte, zda se situace nezměnila..
One of the greatest tragedies of the modern era happened in 2020. As a result of the global measures taken against the Covid-19 pandemic, the Olympic Games, which was to be held in Tokyo, was delayed for the first time in its history. In one hundred years, only three gymnasts had been able to represent Turkey in gymnastics, however, this is about to change; İbrahim, Ahmet, Ferhat and Nazlı qualify for Tokyo Olympics but find themselves in a challenging uncertainty. They are stuck at home for 3 months and Ahmet feels devastated, Ferhat is more concentrated on his goal, İbrahim tries to find the power to fight his injury, Nazlı is out of shape and Adem is ambitious to get qualified. They find motivation once again and go through the leap year with victories, losses, injuries, natural disasters and quarantine to get one step closer to the highest success attainable by an athlete.