Sledování titulu American Jesus: kde sledovat?
Neustále se snažíme přidat nové poskytovatele, ale nabídku na sledování titulu "American Jesus" online se nám bohužel najít nepodařilo. Vraťte se, prosím, brzy a zkontrolujte, zda se situace nezměnila..
American Jesus není k dispozici pro streamování
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Neustále se snažíme přidat nové poskytovatele, ale nabídku na sledování titulu "American Jesus" online se nám bohužel najít nepodařilo. Vraťte se, prosím, brzy a zkontrolujte, zda se situace nezměnila..
AMERICAN JESUS is an exploration of Christianity in every faction of American Life, from the breadline to the yoga studio, from the humble churches of snake handlers to the mega churches in the ex-urbs. Christian cowboys, bikers and musicians, comedians, surfers and cage-fighters, they are all doing it for Christ. Aram Garriga travels from his native Barcelona to the politically divided United States to chronicle the sometimes bizarre relationship between faith, materialism, politics and personal passions in this uniquely American tableaux. Populated by an array of religious and secular characters offering candid, often illuminating testimonials, AMERICAN JESUS is a vivid mosaic of personalities and conflicting points of view that emerges as a portrait of an America yearning for solace and meaning in the modern world.