Eastbound Westbound: A Winemaker’s Story From Bordeaux and California online anschauen: Stream, kaufen, oder leihen
Du kannst "Eastbound Westbound: A Winemaker’s Story From Bordeaux and California" bei Amazon Prime Video legal im Stream anschauen.
82min - Englisch
30 Tage kostenlos
Danach 9,99 CHF / Monat
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Du kannst "Eastbound Westbound: A Winemaker’s Story From Bordeaux and California" bei Amazon Prime Video legal im Stream anschauen.
A modern and fast-paced cinematic documentary that aims to trace, understand and demonstrate the historical and unwavering links between the United States, Bordeaux and its wines. An investigation like no other, Eastbound Westbound lets the viewer understand how this Franco-American friendship around Bordeaux wines had its starting point in the 18th century around the greatest connoisseur of fine wines and lover of Bordeaux, the American Thomas Jefferson, US Ambassador to Paris and third President of the United States. To better demonstrate Thomas Jefferson’s legacy, this intimate relationship between the two winegrowing continents is illustrated through interlinked portraits of wine families, from many and varied backgrounds but all sharing a real passion for wine. Leading players in their field, they produce some of the best wines in the world.
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Eastbound Westbound: A Winemaker’s Story From Bordeaux and California ist heute auf Platz 6134 in den täglichen JustWatch Streaming-Charts. Der Film ist seit gestern in den Charts 7327 Plätze nach oben gerückt. In Schweiz ist er derzeit beliebter als Rush Hour 2, aber weniger beliebt als Der Legionär.
Rank | Titel | ||
6130. | Jackass 4.5 | Neu | |
6131. | Doktorspiele | Neu | |
6132. | Sector 36 | Neu | |
6133. | Der Legionär | Neu | |
6134. | Eastbound Westbound: A Winemaker’s Story From Bordeaux and California | Neu | |
6135. | Rush Hour 2 | Neu | |
6136. | Das Vaterspiel | Neu | |
6137. | Shopaholic - Die Schnäppchenjägerin | Neu | |
6138. | Mein Freund, die Giraffe | Neu |