What's new on Paramount Plus?
Paramount Plus is a streaming service with over 400 movies and 250 TV shows in its catalogue. The platform regularly updates its catalogue with new titles to enjoy. JustWatch offers a convenient way to stay updated with what's new on Paramount Plus. You can easily filter content based on your preferences.
New Movies on Paramount Plus
Check out all the newest movies streaming on Paramount Plus using the JustWatch timeline and find out as soon as a new movie drops on the service. Paramount Plus is known for hit movies such as Top Gun, Mission: Impossible and the Transformers franchise. The platform has also rebooted a number of beloved titles including the animated The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run, Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe and Orphan: First Kill.
New TV shows on Paramount Plus
You can use this guide to stay updated with new TV shows on Paramount Plus. The streaming service is known for hit shows such as Taylor Sheridan’s Yellowstone, 1923 and 1883. JustWatch allows you to stay up-to-date with all the newest TV shows on Paramount Plus with its timeline that lists which new TV shows are now available to stream.
What Is Releasing Next on Paramount Plus?
You can check out what's coming soon on Paramount Plus with our upcoming timeline. This includes all the movies and TV shows scheduled for release on Paramount Plus in Canada.
Paramount Plus is constantly adding and removing movies and tv shows to its catalogue. If you have the feeling you already saw everything you will love the JustWatch Timeline. It helps you stay up to date and never miss a recently added movie or tv show.
Discover below all the new releases on Paramount Plus.