Стрийминг на The Real Inglorious Bastards: къде да гледате онлайн?
Стремим се непрекъснато да добавяме нови доставчици, но не намерихме оферта за "The Real Inglorious Bastards" онлайн. Моля, проверете отново скоро дали има нещо ново..
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Стремим се непрекъснато да добавяме нови доставчици, но не намерихме оферта за "The Real Inglorious Bastards" онлайн. Моля, проверете отново скоро дали има нещо ново..
The truth is way stranger than fiction,” muses one interviewee in this unbelievable true account of an incredible war time saga. As the Second World War was coming to a close, the US Office of Strategic Services trained and parachuted two Jewish refugees and a German deserter deep into Nazi occupied Austria. Through vivid first-person accounts, re-enactments, archival footage and learned commentary, the film reveals how their efforts disrupted a vital supply route between Germany and the Italian front to bring about the surrender of Innsbruck to Allied Forces. Their unbelievable adventure has a finale that beats any Hollywood movie hands down — but a story so powerful that it became the basis for Quentin Tarantino’s mega hit.