The Carrie Diaries - Saison 1


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It's 1984, and life isn't easy for 16-year-old Carrie Bradshaw. Since their mother passed away, Carrie's younger sister Dorritt is more rebellious than ever, and their father Tom is overwhelmed with the responsibility of suddenly having to care for two teenage girls on his own. Carrie's friends - sweet, geeky Mouse, sarcastic and self-assured Maggie and sensitive Walt - make life bearable, but a suburban life in Connecticut isn't doing much to take her mind off her troubles. And even though the arrival of a sexy new transfer student named Sebastian brings some excitement to Carrie's world, she is struggling to move on from her grief. So when Tom offers Carrie the chance to intern at a law firm in Manhattan, she leaps at the chance. Carrie's eyes are opened wide at the glamour and grit of New York City - and when she meets Larissa, the style editor for Interview magazine, she's inspired by the club culture and unique individuals that make up Larissa's world. Carrie's friends and family may have a big place in her heart, but she's fallen in love for the first time with the most important man in her life - Manhattan.

13 épisodes


IMDB 7.0 (29k)


Comédie, Drame, Comédie Romantique



Pays de production

Etats Unis


AnnaSophia Robb
Carrie Bradshaw
Austin Butler
Sebastian Kydd
Ellen Wong
Jill 'Mouse' Chen
Katie Findlay
Maggie Landers
Stefania LaVie Owen
Dorrit Bradshaw
Brendan Dooling
Walt Reynolds
Freema Agyeman
Larissa Loughlin
Matt Letscher
Tom Bradshaw
Jake Robinson
Bennet Wilcox
Lindsey Gort
Samantha Jones