Où regarder The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters : Date de sortie (Belgique)
The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters sera disponible sur Amazon Prime Video à partir du 1 février 2025.
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The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters sera disponible sur Amazon Prime Video à partir du 1 février 2025.
An elite team is investigating the Bermuda Triangle with the aid of a secret weapon—a map, decades in the making, marking the location of unidentified undersea wrecks and anomalies. Each week they will attempt to identify one mystery wreck, along the way evaluating the evidence behind legends and scientific theories like rogue waves, giant methane bubbles, ship-sucking whirlpools, and dead zones that bewilder equipment and planes. In the Bermuda Triangle, one never knows what one will find. On the ocean floor, the team makes historic and important discoveries that go beyond myth and conjecture.