Saison 5

Slasher: Le Bourreau - Saison 5


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There’s a killer stalking the mean streets, but instead of targeting the poor and downtrodden like Jack the Ripper, The Widow is meting out justice against the rich and powerful. The only person standing in the way of this killer is the newly promoted detective, Kenneth Rijkers, whose ironclad belief in justice may wind up being yet another victim of The Widow.

8 épisodes


IMDB 6.7 (17k)


Mystère & Thriller, Crime & Thriller, Drame, Horreur



Pays de production

Etats Unis


Adam MacDonald


Eric McCormack
Basil Garvey
Gabriel Darku
Detective Kenneth Rijkers
Thom Allison
Georges Rondeau
Clare McConnell
Regina Simcoe
Paula Brancati
Viviana Botticelli
Steve Byers
Andrew May Jr.
Sabrina Grdevich
Venetia Botticelli
Sadie Laflamme-Snow
Verdi Botticelli
Genevieve DeGraves
Margaret Mehar
Lisa Berry
Dr. Melanda Israel