Cobra - Saison 2


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In the aftermath of both solar and political storms, Prime Minister Robert Sutherland attempts to steer the country on a more even course. An assassination on British soil, however, unleashes a chain of events that threatens to develop into a crisis even more serious than the one from which the country has recently emerged. An invisible global enemy, not playing by the rules and operating outside national boundaries, appears to be bent on our destruction, leaving an entire country unsure as to who is friend and who is foe.

6 épisodes


IMDB 6.5 (4k)


Drame, Mystère & Thriller



Pays de production



Robert Carlyle
Robert Sutherland
Victoria Hamilton
Anna Marshall
David Haig
Archie Glover-Morgan
Marsha Thomason
Francine Bridge
Lucy Cohu
Rachel Sutherland
Alexa Davies
Audrey Hemmings
Edward Bennett
Peter Mott
Lisa Palfrey
Eleanor James
Richard Pepple
Joseph Obasi
Jane Horrocks
Victoria Dalton
Gregg Chillin
Nate Stevens