Low Tide

Low Tide


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A 12-year-old boy and his single mother live separate lives. The boy spends his days alone while his mother works and goes out with her friends. The boy’s solitude is both a source of freedom and a cause for grief. His explorations slowly bring to light the dark contrast between the rules of society and the laws of nature. And before long, the delicate balance of his inner world becomes shattered by unforeseen events.


IMDB 6.7


Drame, Made in Europe


1h 32min

Pays de production

Belgique, Italie, Etats Unis


Roberto Minervini


Daniel Blanchard
The Boy
Melissa McKinney
The Mother
Vernon Wilbanks
Colby Trichell
Bull Rider
Sid Kelton
Mother's Boyfriend / Party Person
Mercedes Rutgers
Troy Herron
James King
Bingo Player