神打 - 線上觀看:串流、購買或租借
Currently you are able to watch "神打" streaming on Catchplay or for free with ads on KKTV. It is also possible to rent "神打" on Catchplay, Apple TV online and to download it on Apple TV.
Currently you are able to watch "神打" streaming on Catchplay or for free with ads on KKTV. It is also possible to rent "神打" on Catchplay, Apple TV online and to download it on Apple TV.
清朝末年,义和团神打之术一时兴盛,曾入宫表演,得西太后奖赏。转眼已是民国,小徒弟萧千(汪禹 饰)随师父以神打术行走江湖,一日师父大醉,萧千被众人拖去请神。萧千神功虽无,武功确有,一番猴拳加道具的表演蒙混了观众,却得罪了观法的拳师,被追打出镇。萧千迤逦来到一小镇,由于用神打术替小乞儿出头,开始在镇上崭露头角。路见不平的性格让他惹事无数,也拜此所赐结识伶俐姑娘金莲(林珍奇 饰)。一对儿心思纯洁、胸怀正义的搭档自此为镇上“人鬼两界”的难题奔忙。当然,萧千也不会放弃助人期间任何一次可以填饱肚子的机会……