Where to watch 十三刺客: Release date (台灣)
The release date for 十三刺客 has not been announced yet. We'll keep you updated with the release date and streaming information as soon as it is available.
十三刺客 is not available for streaming.
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The release date for 十三刺客 has not been announced yet. We'll keep you updated with the release date and streaming information as soon as it is available.
时为弘化年间(19世纪40年代),幕府将军德川家庆的异母弟弟——明石藩藩主松平齐昭(菅貫太郎 饰)骄纵跋扈,冷酷无情。虽则如此,齐昭却仕途顺利,即将成为幕府老中。为免苍生受其荼毒,笔头老中土井(丹波哲郎 饰)密令旗本岛田新左卫门(片岡千恵蔵 饰)刺杀齐昭。岛田领命,召集仓永左平太(嵐寛寿郎 饰)、平山九十郎(西村晃 饰)、新六郎(里見浩太朗 饰)等十数人组成刺客部队。不久,齐昭参勤完毕,启程归国。岛田等中伺机而动,明石藩武士鬼头半兵卫(内田良平 饰)则绞尽脑汁,全力护主。宿命之战将在落合驿全面展开……