Where to watch 邪恶: Release date (台灣)
The release date for 邪恶 has not been announced yet. We'll keep you updated with the release date and streaming information as soon as it is available.
2 weeks left
The release date for 邪恶 has not been announced yet. We'll keep you updated with the release date and streaming information as soon as it is available.
《邪恶》讲述抱怀疑论的女临床心理学家Kristen Benoist(Katja Herbers饰 演),她与一名受训中的牧师及一名蓝领承包商组成团体,他们会共同调查一些奇迹﹑附魔或其他超自然事件究竟能否用科学解释,还是真正的超自然现象。Mike Colter饰演被教会指派调查超自然现象是否有科学根据的David Acosta牧师﹑Aasif Mandvi饰演蓝领阶级的木匠Ben,最早被David招募的超自然事件怀疑论者;他本人是个揭穿「闹鬼」事件背后真相的人才,不过在剧中发生的事将动摇他的信念。Michael Emerson饰演Townsend,一个外表风度翩翩﹑看似值得信赖的好人,但其实作为一宗大型凶案的辩护方专家证人的他,可能是黑暗一方的追随者。