Notes on Love


Оригинальное название: Notater om kærligheden

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Poet-filmmaker Jørgen Leth taps his own earliest inspirational veins by free-floating through a camera/microscope-enhanced set of poems with love as their first and final subject. For example, how a tropical island woman prepares for a meeting with her lover. The film was shot partly in the South Pacific with more than a nod to social anthropoliogist B. Malinowski's historical work The Sexual Life of Savages.


IMDB 6.8


Драма, Документальные, Made in Europe


1h 30min

Production country



Jørgen Leth

В ролях:

Claus Nissen
Forfatteren / The Writer
Stina Ekblad
Kvinden med penge / Woman with money
Jan Nowicki
Manden med frakken / Man with jacket
Anders Hove
Nøgen mand / Naked Man
Charlotte Sieling