Когда умирают люди - поют песни


Оригинальное название: When People Die They Sing Songs

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'When People Die They Sings Songs' is a story of mother and daughter who resolve to uncover their wartime past buried half a century ago. After suffering a stroke, 93-year-old Holocaust survivor Regina is getting music therapy. Accompanied by music therapist, Regina sings Yiddish and French songs of her youth. Her daughter Sonia is with her at every session. This revitalizes their mother-daughter relationship and emboldens them to revisit their past. With Regina's help, Sonia tries to capture their family story. The past they were so eager to forget they are now anxious to remember. But Regina's memory is rapidly succumbing to dementia.


Драма, Семейные, Музыкальные, Документальные



Production country

США, Россия


Olga Lvova

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