Эхо дома


Оригинальное название: Heimatklänge

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What does a baby's cry have in common with the echo of a mountain yodler, and what connects the head tone of a Tuvin nomad with the stage show of a vocal artist? The answer is: THE VOICE. Against a background of powerful alpine vistas and modern city landscapes, "heimatklänge" enters the wondrous sonic world of three exceptional Swiss vocal artists. Their universe of sound extends far beyond what we would describe as singing. In their engagement with local and foreign traditions, the powerful mountain landscape becomes a stage as do the landscapes and sonic backdrops of modern life.


IMDB 7.3


Документальные, Made in Europe


1h 22min

Production country

Швейцария, Германия


Stefan Schwietert

В ролях:

Noldi Alder
Christian Zehnder