Bohemia Docta or the Labyrinth of the World and the Lust-House of the Heart (A Divine Comedy)


Оригинальное название: Bohemia docta aneb Labyrint světa a lusthauz srdce (Božská komedie)

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A labyrinthine portrait of Czech culture on the brink of a new millennium. Egon Bondy prophesies a capitalist inferno, Jim Čert admits to collaborating with the secret police, Jaroslav Foglar can’t find a bottle-opener, and Ivan Diviš makes observations about his own funeral. This is the Czech Republic in the late 90s, as detailed in Karel Vachek’s documentary.


IMDB 5.5


Документальные, Made in Europe


4h 14min

Production country

Чешская Республика


Karel Vachek

В ролях:

Václav Havel
Mejla Hlavsa
Jan Klusák
Jiří Krejčík
Jan Němec
Karel Vachek
Dagmar Havlová Veškrnová
Egon Bondy
Jaroslav Foglar
Ivan Martin Jirous
Pavel Dostál
Milan Knížák
Josef Janíček
Jiří Kabeš
Joe Karafiát
John Bok
Vratislav Brabenec
Jan Saudek
Kája Saudek
Miloš Zeman
Peter Uhl
Lída Rakušanová
Dana Němcová