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В настоящее время Вы можете посмотреть "BAT PUSSY" на Cultpix.
Batman sexploitation parody The citizens of Gothum City are under attack by smut filmmakers and only one hero can help! Bat Pussy (Dora Dildo) hangs out in her secret headquarters (aka an outhouse). When her “twat begins to twitch,” warning her of imminent crime, Bat Pussy hops on her Holy Hippity-Hop to foil the grotesque sex schemes of un-happily married couple Buddy and Sam! Considered to be the first porn parody, BAT PUSSY is the no-fi sexploitation messterpiece of your wildest dreams. And also your most horrifying nightmares. The unidentified lunatic filmmakers have never been located, providing further proof that this movie was most likely made by extraterrestrials