Где смотреть Смерть в раю Сезон 13: дата релиза (Россия)
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Дата релиза Смерть в раю Сезон 13 пока не объявлена. Мы сообщим вам о дате релиза и информацию о трансляции, как только это станет доступно.
This warm, light-hearted detective drama is a fish-out-of-water story about a quintessential English policeman posted to the Caribbean island of Saint-Marie. To anyone else it would be paradise, but for Detective Inspector Richard Poole it's hell! Totally unsuited to the Caribbean way of life, Richard hates the sun, sea and sand and isn't used to their style of policing. But he finds his brilliant detective skills combine well with the local police to help solve a series of mysterious murders. Will Richard ever come to see the beauty of his surroundings? Perhaps not, but he might one day loosen his tie.