Прогулки с динозаврами смотреть сезон 1 онлайн, купить, напрокат:
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6 Серии - 30min
14 дней бесплатно
Затем 299,00₽ / месяц
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В настоящее время Вы можете посмотреть "Прогулки с динозаврами - Сезон 1" на Kinopoisk.
Using the latest technology the amazing lost world of the Cretaceous, Triassic and Jurassic periods of Earth's history, when the dinosaurs reigned supreme, is brought stunningly back to life. The series provides insights into how these mammoth creatures appeared, how they survived for millions of years and probes the mysteries of their sudden disappearance leaving only a fossil record to show they had ever existed!